Friday, July 30, 2010

Annie Duke appears on MSNBC to discuss the HR 2267 Vote and Online Poker...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

MicroMania $1.10 buy-ins

I've been playing at least 1 micromania tourneys daily, my best finish so far was 18 place, no to bad but i knew if i could make it to the final table i could work my way to a possible 2nd or 3rd place.
I've cashed in like 6 or 7, they are small stakes tourneys but im getting a good feeling each day.
Tonite i manage to work my way up to 5th place, my best so far.

This was the final table

And this is the hand that knocked me out, I went all in after the flop with a gut shot straight draw.
My read was thinking he was on a flush draw or had an ace with a small kicker.
An ace or King on the river and 4th place would've been mine

5th Place out of 2395 not too bad after all